**A Lesson in Motherhood: Finding Perspective in a Different World**
This week, I stumbled upon a story that truly moved me—one that left me emotional and reflective, even as I sat in my car. I've been listening to the book *Mom Enough*, which features the experiences of mothers from around the world. Each chapter offers a glimpse into their highs and lows, and I highly recommend it.
One particular mom's story caught my attention. While most of the mothers featured come from Western countries, this one has spent the last ten years in a remote village in Northern Africa. Her husband was on assignment, and she took on the incredible task of homeschooling their three children in a place with limited resources.
Every year, when she returns to the States for Christmas, she is overwhelmed by the social media chatter and the judgments that swirl around parenting. The debates over feeding practices, schooling choices, and parenting styles dominate the conversation, and yet, she lives in a world completely disconnected from those pressures. In her village, there’s no consistent supply of clean water, hot showers, or even electricity. The nearest hospital is a six-hour flight away, and her reality is far from the conveniences we often take for granted.
Imagine raising children in such an environment, where going to the park or watching a YouTube video is simply not an option. Her daily life is filled with genuine fears—like the potential danger of wild animals—and the focus is on survival rather than competing in the “Mommy Wars.”
Her perspective shifted something within me. She reminded me that, at the end of the day, our children need the bare essentials: our time, our energy, and our love. All the toys, technology, and resources we obsess over are secondary to the core mission of building a strong family foundation and nurturing kind, empathetic individuals.
In her village, she fosters a learning environment rich with empathy, tolerance, and love. Education for her children isn’t confined to books; it’s woven into the fabric of daily life. The community comes together to support one another, cooking meals, building homes, and solving real-life problems. This hands-on approach to life teaches invaluable lessons that go beyond traditional schooling.

Reflecting on her story made me realize how easily we can become tunnel-visioned in our American lifestyle, fixating on the resources available to us. I often find myself buying the latest educational apps, worrying if my kids are getting enough of a “top-notch” education. But this mom's journey reminded me to be grateful for the resources we have while also recognizing that there are mothers around the world who, despite having far less, prioritize relationships and real-life skills over material things.
Ultimately, her story is a call to action for all of us. Let’s shift our focus back to what truly matters—nurturing our children’s hearts and minds, building strong relationships, and fostering a sense of community. After all, it’s love and connection that will shape our children into the kind humans we aspire for them to be.