This past week, my mom shared on Cindy Dennis Ministries a word of encouragement on breaking free. It touched my heart to hear how she faithfully gets up each and every morning (see Psalm 63:1), to pray, study His Word, and seek His face. The force of her vision to experience breakthrough is what propels her to not give up. She believes without a doubt that God is her waymaker, miracle worker and promise keeper. Her faith fills her with hope that with God all things are possible and she is at the right age, time, and place for Him to move on her behalf. And He will direct her steps and bring her closer to His divine destiny for her life. (See Proverbs 20:24)
My mom has had her share of challenges with a husband in home hospice and being quarantined indoors. When you look at her circumstances from outward appearances, her future does not look all that promising but my mom is not deterred. She is planning to live the life of her dreams. She has chosen not to blame her circumstances, or make excuses. She is pressing on in faith knowing she can do all things through Christ who is empowering her to fulfill her purpose. She is ready for anything through Jesus who infuses her with inner strength and confident peace. She is self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency! (See Philippians 4:13).
The Bible tells us that God shows no favoritism. (See Romans 2:11). He has plans to prosper you. Plans to give you a future filled with hope. (See Jeremiah 29:11). He has seeded these plans in each of our hearts and He is wanting us to take responsibility for cultivating and stewarting them.
Within your heart you can make plans for your future, but the Lord chooses the steps you take to get there.--Proverbs 16:9 TPT
It might mean taking charge of our life here and now by writing out our vision and putting into words the dreams of our heart. It might mean getting up early at the start of our day to draw near to Him to receive divine guidance and counsel on what next steps to take. And when we are bothered by troubles, we can be confident that we are never defeated. We just need to get back up and continue pressing onward. (See Proverbs 24:17)
I challenge you to declare to the Lord today, "Open my eyes of my heart. Open my ears to hear. May everything You have promised come true. I am willing to be used. I am willing to obey." (See Luke 1:38)
Let your vision become the force to take you to destiny that God has for you.
Where there is no vision, the people perish...--Proverbs 29:18 BRG