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God’s unique love for you

Writer's picture: On Purpose On Purpose

This past weekend all five grandchildren came over to the house for a sleepover and Valentine’s Party with the focus being on that they were “God's One-of-a-Kind Valentine.”

We talked about His unique love for them while we played games and did crafts. They especially enjoyed looking in the mirror and having me declare just how great and special they each of them are because I wanted them to know He made each of them individually.

Even though their ages range from 2 to 8 years, Goddesigned them to share His love with the world in different and very wonderful ways and it begins with understanding and experiencing the love that He has for them first.

I am amazed to see how my love for these grands hasgrown over the years. First it was Alyvia (8), then Lena (6), and soon Caleb (5), Vera (3), and Noah (2) to love and celebrate.

When each of the grands was born, my love was not divided, my love actually multiplied with the addition of a new grandchild. My love for each one is unique, because they are all so unique. They each awaken my love in different ways.

Each of them has unique gifts, talents, passions, and abilities. Alyvia loves to organize, Caleb enjoys books, Lena has an eye for fashion, Vera is imaginative, and Noah enjoys learning new things. They are so easy to celebrate, and my love and admiration grows every time I am with them.

In the same way, I like to think that God doesn’t love us equally either which implies measurable amounts or equal portions so that none of us are slighted. His love is not a matter of portion control. His love is unique and infinite.

He loved us before there was a beginning and His love for us knows no end, it is everlasting. His “love never fails [it never fades nor ends].” (1 Corinthians 13:8 AMPC). His infinite love for us is also intimate and unique.

Ephesians 3:17-19 reminds us to have “both feet planted firmly on love” so we “will be able to take in the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love.

Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live a full life, full in the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:17-19 MSG)

Realizing His love for us begins with a personal relationship with God that is like no other relationship wemay have ever experienced.

God has a unique kind of love for us. It is unconditional (not based upon meeting certain conditions). God loves us because He loves us.We are God's One-of-a-Kind Valentine

God loves us, even more than we love our self.

You are His One-of-a-Kind Valentine! “You are special to Him and He loves you” (Isaiah 43:4).

May your heart be filled with God's love on Valentine's Day and always,



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that meet to encourage, sharpen and Pray for
one another during seminars, workshops and other
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