Hope outside the box
According to Greek mythology, there was a box of all the world’s darkness and torment given to a girl Pandora from the gods. She was curious to open it- even though she was warned not to.
Finally she did open it- releasing evil into the world- so the myth goes. But hope was left locked in the box for all time-
This story has been interwoven throughout movies, pop culture, writings and philosophy for thousands of years.
You can’t even turn on the TV without seeing darkness with no hope.
Friedrich Nietzsche comments: "Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torment of men."
This is where our world is left if we believe that nothing is orchestrating the fabric of time- that there is no hope- a very dark world view indeed.
To parallel this story- the Ark of the Covenant- a golden box, was created to house the glory and presence of Yahweh- the creator of all things, in the Bible.
After the exile- we have 400 years of “silence” where no written words were recorded. Creation was holding its breath- waiting in the darkness for hope to come.
The Ark is missing or captured. All hope seems lost.
After 400 years-hope glimmers in a quiet birth of a child- born into poverty.
Yahweh show us hope in the person Jesus- now grown- who for 33 years walked out the perfect picture of hope on earth.
But then Hope was killed and buried in a tomb after leaders were jealous of Jesus’ influence-
Hope was buried- locked up tight in the darkest box of all- a stone cave with a Giant sealed stone.
Now darkness covered the earth. All hope was truly lost- or so it seemed.
3 days later- the never-ending Hope resurrected from its stone housing- exploding to all the corners of the earth- infilling its followers with light- so that they can bring hope to everyone forever.
The same power and hope that brought Jesus to life- lives in us. We become the new vessels of hope- opening daily our never-ending supply to those blinded in darkness.
I am so glad that Yahweh- the One True creator has given us forever hope.
I am so glad that Hope was not shut in His box- never to be opened.
Let us constantly be aware of our inner power to bring the love and light of the Father.
Romans 5:5 says: “And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”