We may not find the exact word of innovation in the Bible, though we certainly see plenty of examples of it. My grandchildren enjoy reading Genesis 1 and they never get tired of hearing how God created the earth out of nothing.
The story of how God’s spirit filled Bezalel in Exodus 31 with the wisdom and understanding to skillfully create the furnishings for the Israelite’s Tabernacle awakens in me a desire to accept my own invitation to innovation.
Exodus 31:3—I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills. NIV
In 1 Chronicles 28:19, David says to Solomon that “All these plans were written with the Lord guiding me. He helped me understand everything in the plans.” God guided David in creating just the right plans for the Tabernacle Solomon was to build.
God is inviting us all to be innovators. As we listen to the Spirit’s leading in our own lives, we have an opportunity to utilize our gifts and talents with the help of the Spirit to guide us along the paths He prepared for us to encounter.
Just like on the day of Pentecost when the early believers received the Spirit in a mighty way that sparked an awakening movement that changed history. God desires to awaken a purpose for us to fulfill. He will reveal to us skills and talents that His Spirit has imparted in us to impact the communities around us.
He is inviting each of us to start moving towards God with fresh love, passion, and purpose. He is desiring to stir up innovative ways for each of us to be that influencer in the world around us.
Let us decide today to not go through the motions of living as a believer on this earth. Let us refuse to miss the profound revelation that the Holy Spirit wants to reveal in each of our lives.
Just as we read in Acts 2 that the early Church was counter cultural, He is wanting to introduce new and innovative ways for our life and our words to inspire and ignite in others a desire to move TOWARDS GOD.