Jesus has set us free. Satan has no power over me. And true, one day he will be cast into the lake of fire, but until then, he’s still roaming the earth; he’s still alive and that makes him a serious enemy.
But still, we don’t need to be afraid because we have been set free from his rule, his dominion, his power over us. So today, my friend, if the devil throws temptation your way, remember that you have been set free – you are no longer a slave to sin; the devil no longer has authority over you. He does not rule your life unless you let him.
And as you submit to the Lord, you are under the control of the Spirit of God who lives within you. The only power Satan has is the power you give him. Don't let him rob you of the destiny God has for you!"For he has rescued us out of the darkness and gloom of Satan’s kingdom and brought us into the Kingdom of his dear Son..." Colossians 1:13 TLB